Conheça as novidades da Sunova Solar! Leia nossas últimas notícias corporativas, anúncios de produtos e artigos de blog.
O apoio da Munich Re fornece aos proprietários e desenvolvedores de projetos a garantia de viabilidade financeira a longo prazo dos módulos fotovoltaicos da Sunova Solar por 25 a 30 anos.
Em seu relatório do terceiro trimestre de 2023, a Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) lista a Sunova Solar como fabricante de módulos de Tier 1. A listagem é baseada em oito projetos aceitos, que preencheram seus critérios de serem maiores que 1,5 MW e financiados por pelo menos seis bancos diferentes sem recurso.
Nov 18th, Thursday, Wuxi, China. The Wuxi based China PV Module manufacturer, Sunova Solar today signed strategic cooperation agreements with both Ping An Insurance and the Lloyd's. Ping An Insurance starts to provide 25 years of power loss compensation liability insurance services for Sunova Solar’s module products and the insurance will be reinsurance supported by world-famous insurance institution, the Ariel Re of Lloyd's London.
China Wuxi based Sunova Solar today launched four new PV panel products including two with next generation TOPCon and HJT cell technology at Intersolar Europe 2022. Compared to previous module types, the new products are with better performance and higher efficiency.
Sunova Solar is offering five versions of its new solar panels, with power outputs from 555 W to 575 W and efficiencies ranging from 21.4% to 22.2%. They have a temperature coefficient of -0.31% per degree Celsius.