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In its 4th quarter 2024 report, Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) continues to list Thornova / Sunova Solar as a Tier 1 module manufacturer.
Wuxi 25.11.2024 – Thornova / Sunova Solar is proud to inform its customers, partners and those who want to become such in the future, that we remain listed as Tier 1 player by Bloomberg in their 4th quarter 2024 report which came out this Monday.
William Sheng, CEO of Thornova / Sunova Solar comments: “We are proud to continue being Tier 1 listed with Bloomberg for more than a year now. Our partners and their banks stay convinced of our module quality and the financial stability of the company. Hence, we maintain our status of one of the companies with the best quality and most trustworthy solar technology in the market.”
Starting January 1st, the company will fully transition to the Thornova brand to continue with its overall globalization efforts.
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